다음세대, 다민족을위한 프로젝트 뮤지컬캠프
‘당신에게 들려주고싶은이야기, GOSPEL’
Dates and Schedule(일정)
Feb 18-Feb 22, 2022(five days)
2022년 2월 18일부터 22일까지(4박5일, 합숙)
The Salvation Army Korean Community Church
(150 Railside Rd, North York, ON M3A 1A3)
Accommodation Information(숙소)
PAN Pacific Hotel
(900 York Mills Rd, North York, ON M3B 3H2)
Application Requirements(등록절차)
지원서 및 지원동기(150-300자내외)
To register for musical camp you must submit registration forms.
Statement of intrest outlining why you should be admitted to the program.(150-300words)
Registration Fee(등록비)
email(문의 및 접수)
[email protected]